About Me

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Orlando, Fl, United States
JESUS Orlando is a project that the HOLY SPIRIT put on my heart to make an impact here in the city through the love and power of the gospel, bringing the kingdom of God into the world in the power of the Spirit.


JESUS Orlando 06.24.11 Jail Ministry

I watched 30 inmates get on their knees and renounce their sins and turn their hearts to Jesus under the conviction of the Holy Spirit. There were two men whose knees actually got healed from chronic pain. Also a man's shoulder was out of place and as I moved it up and down in the name of Jesus he was healed. Also a man's finger was healed in front of many inmates eyes. Two men testified to the back of their necks being healed and another was healed of a twisted elbow. The best was when a man stood up and testified that three weeks ago he was healed of his diabetes during prayer. He went in to be tested by the doctors and they kept switching machines because they thought the the machines were not working because his blood pressure was completely normal. The doctors were dumbfounded to report that he has no more diabetes. JESUS is all glorious!